Posts Tagged ‘Action’

Continuing on the First Chakra

Written by Kate • June 23, 2011 •
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Root Chakra- Image thanks to Rodessa4

Clarity Through Action

As I mentioned on Tuesday, as Marie Forleo likes to say, clarity comes from action, not learning. And if you’re anything like me, you read about the chakras but didn’t actually work on any of them the first time around. But getting clear: it’s in the doing, not the reading about doing.

So let’s continue taking another, deeper look at how to heal the root chakra. In Tuesday’s post, I created a 10 minute routine in which you can ground yourself with stillness and some serious self-love, through affirmations and movement. Here’s some additional work that you can use to ground yourself, especially when you’re feeling stressed and ungrounded. It doesn’t take any time at all in one sense but it takes commitment and self-awareness.

Honor Yourself

This may seem like a strange one but by telling the truth, facing what needs to be faced, we become more grounded. Lying, fibbing, and not honoring what we’re feeling lead to subtle but real “kinks” in our energy flow.  This is especially true about lying to ourselves.

So for one day only – try to tell the absolute truth for one day. This may require that you don’t say anything at all, in some situations.

  • Tell the truth in every situation. Are you eating because you’re hungry or because you’re upset? Tell yourself the truth. Do you want to go to that event or would you rather stay home in your jammies? Don’t commit to anything until you can tell yourself the truth.
  • Honor your commitments. If you’ve said you’ll do something, do it. This means eating well, or going to bed on time, or exercising like you said, or meditating like you said. By honoring your commitments, you can learn to trust yourself again.

Do you have any other methods by which you ground yourself? How have you healed your money or food or other basic necessity insecurities?

The 7 Chakras- Working on the Root Chakra

Written by Kate • June 21, 2011 •

Image thanks to Rodessa4

Clarity Through Action

As Marie Forleo likes to say, clarity comes from action, not learning. If you’re anything like me, you read about the chakras but didn’t actually work on any of them the first time around. But getting clear, it’s in the doing, not the reading about doing.

So let’s take another, deeper look at how to heal the root chakra. In today’s and Thursday’s post, I’m going to create a 10 minute routine in which you can ground yourself with stillness and some serious self-love, through affirmations and movement. I absolutely know that trying to create another daily ritual for ourselves can be screamingly difficult, but taking care of yourself is a priority.

Creating Your 10 Minute Routine- Action

For the first 10 minute routine, you need to commit to the 10 minutes for just two days. Can you do that? I think you can and here’s how. First, create a game plan that you can really live with. So create 10 minutes for yourself for just Wednesday and Thursday morning, afternoon, or evening, which ever suits you best.

But truly figure out and commit to the 10 minutes you’ll take for yourself on Wednesday and Thursday.  And everyone can find 10 minutes in their day. So visualize it. Is it first thing? Right after you exercise in the morning? Is it just after you shower? Is it at lunch, before you’ve eaten? Is it the final 10 minutes before you go to bed?

On a Personal Note – My Routine

For me, my routine is in the morning. I get up and exercise immediately. No negotiating with myself, I just get up and exercise. Then after my blood is flowing and I’m no longer feeling the least bit sleepy due to the exercise, I meditate for 20 minutes.  Exercise and meditation- every day. It goes hand in hand for me.

But no matter when you do it, commit to your 10 minutes for just two days. Commit to doing imperfectly.

Root Chakra – 10 Minutes of Healing

Find Stillness/Grounding

  • Meditate for 5 minutes each day. Put the timer on your phone for 5 minutes and then release. If you’re new to it or not that good at it, don’t worry. Everyone starts from this place. The monkey mind wants to reign supreme and we all, all of us, get caught thinking rather that meditating. Just release that too. As you may know, there are plenty of ways to meditate. The important thing is to release thoughts as they come and be in stillness for just these 5 minutes.
  • After your 5 minutes of imperfect meditation, say the following loving-kindness affirmations to yourself -three times. This should take less than 1 minute. But put your heart into it and really bless yourself with these loving affirmations.
    • May I be well.
    • May I know peace.
    • May I be free from suffering

Bless Yourself and Your Day

Take the remaining 4 minutes and bless yourself and your day. Don’t worry if you’re not religious, or if you are. I don’t mean it in the traditional way.

I got this from Christie Marie Sheldon‘s, who’s Love or Above– in reference to David Hawkin‘s Power versus Force, I highly recommend.

  1. First, close your eyes and connect to your higher power – whatever that feels like for you. Let this higher power permeate through your entire body.
  2. Hold up your hands, bringing them together and then apart again and again until you can feel a ball of energy between your hands.
  3. Imbue the ball of energy with light and love and then naming it your day.
  4. Call on all the things you want for your day, including abundance, focus, loving feelings, power to complete projects, guidance from your guides, charisma, peace, restfulness – whatever you need to help you have the best day. Seed them into your day.
  5. Then bless this day with love, life, and source energy. Bless it 3 to 4 times, with feeling.
  6. Finally, put the ball of light into your heart chakra and have it suffuse your entire being with elements you seeded your day with.  Breathe it in.

And then enjoy your day, feeling grounded and peaceful!