Top 5 Reasons Why You Need A Coach

Written by Kate • August 4, 2011 •

Christine Kane and Kate Allen at Uplevel Your Purpose

Although it may seem self-serving in that I am a Life Coach myself, working with Women to Step into a Life Filled with Delight, I truly believe that a coach is essential to getting you to the next level of expertise, of mindset, and of ability- in whatever you’re trying to achieve. I believe in it so much that I myself have a Business Coach.  I have been working with Christine Kane for over a year now, on my mindset and on building my business up to the next level.  [This picture is of Christine and me at her recent Uplevel Your Purpose Conference, a mind-blowing, impactful three days we spent last week in Charlotte, NC).

I have had coaches in other areas of my life, such as exercise, food, and nutrition. It has helped me get to the next level of competence and has, in general, been worth every penny. I have a Zone of Genius and they have theirs.

The following are 5 reasons why I think pretty much everyone needs a coach.

  1. You can’t  fix your problems with the same mindset that created them. As Einstein is believed to have said” “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.” Therefore, if you continue down the same old path you have been, you’re going to continue to get to the same end results.  A coach helps you see the limiting beliefs you have and the mindset that helped create the life situation you have created for yourself.  I have experienced many more A-Has with Christine about some of my own beliefs that I probably would not have discovered without her coaching.
  2. You’ve been trying for years but nothing seems to be working. Also known as “I don’t need help. I can do it on my own”. Perhaps you don’t NEED help and perhaps you CAN do it on your own. But are you? Have you gotten the results you’re looking for? Are you living the life you dreamed of? Are you following your bliss? The hard facts are that unless you are you’re living or close to achieving a lot in life that you’ve intended, you could use someone to help motivate you and to keep you focused.
  3. You Think You Already Know This Stuff. As Christine says the Buddha said, if you’re not living it, you don’t really know it. If you really already knew this stuff, you’d be living it. Professional athletes have coaches. Executives have coaches. When you want to learn a new skill, like playing the piano or learning a new language, you turn to an expert, right? Well, it’s the same with intangibles, like success, financial management, marketing, and search engine optimization. There are true experts out there who can help you leap frog over the learning curve and give you access to pre-vetted resources that will more than likely be immeasurably of help to you.
  4. You Think You Don’t Have the Time. This is a big one. If you think you don’t have the time, have you checked out what you’re spending your time on? Do you really know? If you mapped out your day, how much of it is spent in front of the TV, surfing the internet looking at, Facebook, and your emails? And how much of the weekend is spent on activities that can actually be delegated, skipped, or bunched together? A coach can help hold up the mirror you need to see your life as it really is so you can free yourself from time sinks that are keeping you off your purposeful path.
  5. You Don’t Know What You Want To Be When You Grow Up. Even if you don’t know where to begin on getting you the skills and life you want, your coach will. If you’re just not the best manager, if your life makes you depressed and you no longer have any idea what makes you happy, if you want to take your business to the next level and are so tired of treading the same ground month after month, all with the same results, working with someone to help you re-focus, re-strategize, and re-energize is exactly what you need. Your coach is going to be able to help you start to understand what it is you need to get you to the next step.

It doesn’t have to be me. But use the resources that are out there.  Take advantage of the knowledge gained by someone who has been there and done that to help you rapidly increase your expertise and knowledge. We can all use some help to keep us on track, motivated, and with our eyes on the prize.


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2 Responses to "Top 5 Reasons Why You Need A Coach"

Shirley on August 4, 2011 at 10:10 pm | Permalink |

Kate, this is an excellent blog post, so succinct and so true. I will want to share it with others. Your passion is persuasive! We share the same business coach, Christine Kane. I too have been inspired by her and have learned so much from being in her mastermind group. And I am also sure that you are a great coach yourself. Your genius shows through here!

    Kate on August 5, 2011 at 9:40 am | Permalink |

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    Shirley: Thanks for the kind words. I really do believe in coaching, after years of trying to do it alone. I’ve achieved so much more, more quickly with the help I’ve received. And I believe my feel the same way.

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